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Software Solutions

Hits: 26559

earing Aid Software BMG Universe has a special development team who works on Fitting software for hearing aids. The basic software features are: - reading, editing and writing settings - configuration and per-program parameters from/to hearing aid devices connected to the PC; - visual display of hearing aids response curves for different input levels in frequency domain (Gain or Output level [dB] in frequency range from 0 to 8000 Hz) and IO characteristics for every frequency channel (Output level [dB] for input ranges from 30 to 100 dB); - supporting more than 10 different amplifier types, different frequency channels configuration depending on amp type (from 2-channels, 4-channels, 6-channels, 8-channels, up to 32-channels amps) and several interface programmers types; - supported both, simulation mode and live mode with real devices connected; - using autofit algorithms for getting the response of the aid closest to the target line defined according to the patient hearing loss (user simple and advanced adjustments also possible); - easy access and use of patients records stored in local or cloud database; With more than a three years experience in this field, BMGU can offer full support in the fitting software services.


eart Monitoring Software Our developers were involved in a project for a medical software for heart monitoring of the patient. The software communicate with a device used for monitoring of cardiac arrhythmia events and continuous recording of patient ECG data. Recorded data may be sent for review using the telephone audio link. The device can be used to record both manual and automatic events. In the software, the events data can be displayed in real-time mode or the user can use history data for displaying recorded events in the device. The communication between the software and the device is wireless using frequency-hopping modulation and a special radio protocol designed for this purpose and handled by the software with special dedicated thread.


ollecting Information From Forest
Desktop application that helps people that works measures in the woods, to put their info fast and clean in our application and get their report very easy, in no time.
The application is mobile so the users can upload the collected data from field.


earning Bible for Kids
Nice desktop app that can be used for teaching bible for little kids in few steps.
Question and answer form is always good way to learn for the kids.




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